Elementary School Newsletter – February 10, 2022

Dear Students and Parents, 

In the coming weeks our students will once again experience many activities UMCA is so famous for, such as skating, ski trip, bake sale and more. Please read below to learn what to expect in the coming weeks:

Indoor Skating for Grades 5, 6, 7, 8 

We are happy to let you know that this coming Friday, February 11, after lunch, our students (grades 5-8) will go indoor skating! The location of the ice rink is 130 Racco Parkway. We will provide transportation from school, and back to school.

Please make sure your child will bring to school their skates, helmets, snow pants, gloves, and hats.

If you allow your child to skate without a helmet, please send an email indicating that to office@umca.ca

Please do not come for a pickup before 4:00PM.

Indoor Skating for Grades 2, 3, 4 

On Friday, February 18, grades 2, 3, 4 will also have the opportunity to enjoy skating. Their skating time is booked for after lunch, and they will be back by 4:00pm.

Spelling Bee Competition 

Tomorrow, grades 3 and 4 will have the Spelling Bee competition. Please come dressed in your blue UMCA sweatshirt.

Pickup Time 

We kindly ask all parents to avoid picking up their child in the middle of the class, as it is very distracting and interrupts the lesson’s flow. Unless you have a valid reason for an early pickup, we ask you not to pickup before 4:00pm.

Valentine’s Day Bake Sale 

On Monday, February 14, we will have a bake sale. Students will be able to purchase 3 treats for $5. Please do not send your child with more than $10. If a student wishes to bring Valentine’s cards or treats, please include all students in the class. We kindly ask not to bring lollypops as they are not safe.

Pictures Re-take 

For those who missed our picture day, and the new students who recently joined us, we will have a picture day on March 23. This is the last opportunity to have your picture taken. Please do not miss this day! Please come dressed in your blue UMCA sweatshirt.

Highlands Nordic Ski Trip 

The trip our students have been waiting for is happening! Our students are going to Highlands Nordic for a cross country ski trip!

Please see below the dates for your child’s class day:

February 18, grade 8 and 9 

February 25, grades 6 and 7 

March 4, grades 4 and 5 

If your child is not going, please email [office@umca.ca]office@umca.ca. There are no classes on this day for students who are not attending the trip. Regular schedule for classes who don’t have a trip day.

Please arrive not later than 8:50am, as we will not wait for late students.

What to Bring?  

The equipment and a Hot Chocolate will be provided.

Bring lunch and snack as the cafeteria will be closed and there will be no option to purchase food.

Wear a jacket that is waterproof and proper for ski (not a fabric jacket that might get wet). Dressing up in layers is recommended.

Waterproof gloves (no wool/fabric gloves)

Neck warmer (no scarf)

A hat

Waterproof boots.

Extra socks (very important!)  

Please label EVERYTHING as kids tend to lose stuff.

We will be back around 5:00pm (please don’t call the school to check if we arrived, we leave the resort at 3:00pm and arrival time depends on traffic).

March Break 

March Break dates are March 14-18. During this week UMCA will run a complimentary March Camp for its students. We will have fun educational activities. Attendance is optional.

Russian Show Filming 

We will film our students Russian Performance on February 23, 24. We ask parents help with helping students memorizing their lines.

UMCA French Club (SK – Grade 2) 

This program, taught by our amazing Mme. Zahra, aims to provide your child (SK – Grade 2) with a fun, effective, and challenging way to learn French at an early age. At UMCA, we believe exposure to a second language should begin as early as possible, as language integration is easier during the formative years.

Our “Petit Prince” group was created for students from Senior Kindergarten – Grade 2 as an addition to what is covered at UMCA. This program will run from Feb 13th to May 1st!

Each Sunday, our students will enjoy French lessons in small groups (maximum of 5 students per class). They will acquire basic vocabulary and improve upon what is focused in class. We will introduce songs, arts and crafts, communicative and educative games, video and hands-on activities as an integral part of each lesson.

10 sessions for $700

Spots are limited and registration starts tomorrow Friday, Feb 4th!

French club link: : https://umca.ca/frenchclub/

French club registration: https://umcaregistration.ca/french-club/

Summer Camp Registration 2022 is live! 

We are excited to let you know that the registration for our Summer Camp has opened! We are planning a Q & A later on this month for parents to ask questions regarding the Summer Camp.

camp registration link : https://umcaregistration.ca/summercamp/

camp page: https://umca.ca/summer-camp/

2022-2023 School Year Registration

If you didn’t register yet for the next school year, we encourage you to do so ASAP (please note that the registration doesn’t automatically renew every school year, and you need to fill out the online registration every new school year).

We have only a few spots available for each class, and classes are filling up faster than we anticipated. Without registering, your spot can not be guaranteed.

To register please follow this link: UMCA Rich Tree Academy – UMCA Rich Tree Academy (umcaregistration.ca)

Minister of Education Visit at UMCA 

Earlier this week, the Minister of Education, Stephen Lecce made a special appearance on our campus to film an announcement about future training and certifications for teachers in Ontario. UMCA students were asked to participate in this announcement and had a chance to shoot some hoops with the Minister and his team! Go UMCA Go!


We are happy to share with you photos we have taken in the past few weeks. Enjoy!

Minister of Education visit – https://photos.app.goo.gl/v1cjGU38CaPLxBYQA

School Olympics – https://photos.app.goo.gl/NPMLgbD8KV6c34xg6

Science and Art Classes – https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZkyPPHWveum4Hj7g8

Holiday Spirit – https://photos.app.goo.gl/kHXu7sKnDWgVuxB17

Take A Tour

We welcome your child and you to take a tour of our school to experience first-hand the sense of community, the enthusiasm and involvement of our students in learning, and the dedication of our teaching team.