Dear Students and Parents,
Trip to University of Toronto
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we are unable to visit inside the university, however, we can still visit the campus from the outside. This will give you an idea of how the university looks like, distance from your home, and if you feel this is the place you want to go to in the next 4 years. We will also have a walk around the Distillery District. Those who are interested in attending this trip, please note that we have a limit of only 20 seats, please register with Mr. Dan Petrenko. Priority will be given to Grade 12, and then Grade 11. You should note that students must always wear a mask while on the bus.
Part-Time Students – OUAC
Part-Time Students must add the school (UMCA Rich Tree Academy-non-home school) to the Academic Background section of their 101 application.
If you do not add UMCA Rich Tree Academy to your Academic background section, we will NOT have access to add or update your courses.
Do not hesitate to contact Ms. Sara or Ms. Irina if you have any questions.
Mid-Term Report Cards
Please note that your Mid Term Report Cards are ready. You can collect them from Ms. Sara.
Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
Please be reminded that this weekend the Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science in Ryerson University is having a two-day conference funded by Hydro One, through the WEMADEIT program. This event is open to young women in grades 10-11 to learn about the wonderful world of engineering through hands-on workshops, industry speakers, and breakout sessions with our current undergraduate students. We also welcome students in grades 9 and 12 who would like to learn more about engineering.
The event details are as follows:
Registration: You can register for the event at the following link. Please fill out this permission form, and ensure you submit this form along with your registration. There will be an option to attach this form before you submit your registration.
Date: Nov 21 – 22, 2020
Time: 9:45 am – 2:45 pm
Saturday, Nov 21, 2020
Time: 9:45 AM - Welcome to FuturENG!
10:30 AM - Workshop #1
12:00 PM - Lunch/Information Session (Students are not required to attend this session)
1:00 PM - Workshop #2
2:30 PM - Closing
Sunday, Nov 22, 2020
9:45 AM - Participants Check In
10:00 AM - Opening
10:30 AM - Workshop #3
12:00 PM - Lunch
1:00 PM - Panel
2:00 PM - Closing
Location: ZOOM
Cost: FREE!
Looking forward to seeing you there, should you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out at!
UMCA wishes you all a wonderful weekend!