Elementary School Newsletter – November 5, 2020

Dear Parents, 

Picture Day 

Please note that next week, Tuesday November 10th will be picture day for our elementary students. We kindly ask you to send your child with the BLUE UMCA sweatshirt on MondayA picture retake will take place for those who missed this one, on Tuesday, November 17th .  

Phone Number for Pick Up Messages 

To simplify the pickup process, and to make your communication with the school easier, we added a cell phone number to which you can send text messages. Please send the text message 10-15 minutes prior to your arrival. 

We kindly ask you to refrain from sending text messages to Ms. Ariela’s personal phone.  

The number of the new phone is: 647-200-0139 and it will be active as of today and every working day from 8:30am – 6:00pm. 

When texting this number for a pickup, please state your name, the student’s name, and your relation to the student. This text will replace the sign out form. For those who want to pick up their child in person, please approach the window, and we will call your child. In that case, don’t forget to fill up the sign out sheet. 

Binder and Weekend Homework 

In every subject our students have books, binders and notebooks. They use all this material combined with handout sheets during the week when they work in class. Students are supposed to bring home every weekend their backpack which contains all their material. However, we noticed that since there are so many books and binders, they simply don’t all fit into the child’s backpack, and the backpack is extremely heavy, especially for the younger grades. 

Nevertheless, we still want our parents to see what our students are doing in class during the week; therefore, you should expect every week 3 different subject in your child’s backpack. Those subjects will rotate between the weeks, thus, throughout the month you will be able to see what is done in every subject your child learns. 

Extracurricular Activities 

In previous years UMCA was well known for its extracurricular activities. This year, due to COVID-19 restrictions, we couldn’t continue with the extracurricular activities in the same format as in previous years, as we must keep all classes in their cohort. Nevertheless, we don’t want our students to miss enrichment classes, and in the coming weeks we will provide classes of Chess, Checkers, Sewing and Embroidery. 

Unknown E-Transfer 

We kindly ask parents when making an e-transfer to specify in the message window the student’s full name and grade, otherwise we will not know who to credit for that payment. 

On July 22nd of this year, we received an e-transfer from a business account called “Goldfish.Daycare”. The message doesn’t include any details to identify for which student the payment was made. If you are the owner of this account, please let us know so we can credit you. 

Halloween Pictures 

Our students had an amazing Halloween this year. COVID-19 restrictions didn’t ruin our students’ mood, and they all came wearing beautiful costumes. They enjoyed fun activities within their cohort and later on ate the fruits of their creations. Please follow the link to see all pictures taken on that day. 


Science Project Grade 8 

Well done grade 8 on your Science Project! You’ve created amazing cells out of different materials, even a cell made out of cake! Enjoy the pictures: 


Free Online Support Group 

CBT Psychology for Personal Development offers psychological services and psychotherapy in the Greater Toronto area and across Ontario through online counseling using secure video platforms. They help adolescents in need. Many times, teens don’t know who to call or how to access the services
they need. For this reason, CBT are hosting a Free Online Group Session for Teens to give them a space to tell their story and know that they are not alone in their struggles. All the information will be kept in
complete confidentiality and not used for any purposes other than to help and support the teens.

The purpose of this one-time online session is to better understand what Teens are currently struggling with during the COVID-19 pandemic. In doing so, CBT can determine what kind of help is best suited for their needs. During this group, CBT will offer support and resources to the teens. In addition, they will invite the teens to participate in a second free group so they can learn some basic coping skills. Both groups will be facilitated by a Registered Psychologist and are completely free of charge. However, registration is required to participate. This session is suited for students grades 7 and up. Please see flyer attached for further information.

UMCA wishes you all a wonderful weekend! 

Take A Tour

We welcome your child and you to take a tour of our school to experience first-hand the sense of community, the enthusiasm and involvement of our students in learning, and the dedication of our teaching team.